Tamils of the diaspora are responsible for letting terrorism continue in Sri Lanka, accusing the Goverment of genocide to attract International attention.

The Tamils of the diaspora have subjugated their intelligence, academic achievements, and experience in living in foreign lands to follow the philosophy of an unschooled terrorists Prabhakaran.

Prabhakaran’s statements to press, his homeland concept, his indoctrination of youth for supreme sacrifice for the cause of a homeland, are his ” Dhamma” the divine parole; mutilations, torture, murders, snatching of children from families to train them as sacrificial lambs , extortion and massacres are the sacrificial rites- the ” poojas” for Surya Deva Prabhkaran !

[ad#200×200]The Tamil diaspora had given Prabhakaran a Divine Status. He is for them an avatar –a “Divinity”- Sun God incarnate in human form.

Narapalasinghams, Kumar Davids , Pakiasothys, Jeyrajs, and many like them and those of the anti-war lobby the Kumar Rupasinghes, Jehan Pereras, Jayadeva Uyangoda and many more are Prabhakaran’s disciples. His words are divine. They repeat every word of his heroe’s day speech as divine words, calling him the leader of the Tamil people. The Tamil Net, Tamil Week, Transcurrent, SriLankaGuardian, Lankaenews, Sunday Leader, BBC, Boston Post, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International are some of his Kovils.

The Tamil Diaspora is responsible for the present situation in Sri Lanka where the terrorists emboldened by the financial support of the Tamil Diaspora, and depending on them to seek International support through Karen Parkers, Bruce Fein, Evans, Martins, Solheims and now MIA the Rapper. The Tamil diaspora is also responsible for the continued harassment of the Tamil civilians in the small area in Mullativu into which they have been confined by the terrorists putting their lives in danger using them as a human shield.

The ordinary Tamil people in Sri Lanka cares less for Prabhakaran. They know Prabhakaran as an ordinary bum, a mad man, a paranoiac, a raksha, kidnapper of children, ruthless killer whose hands are soaked with the blood of the innocent people . The ordinary Tamil people of Sri Lanka do not accept him as their leader. They fear him, they detest him, they hate him. They know that all their problems stem from him, and they have no love for him.

Prabhakaran is a Tamil hero raised to Divine Status, by the Tamil Diaspora blindly followed by the DMK and PMK politicians of Tamil Nadu, who pray for him as the Sun God to grant them as well a possibility of being a part of his Eelam.

The International Community blindly following the Tamil Diaspora, consulting them and for some unknown reason fall in line with them to support the terrorist Prabhakaran against the Government of Sri Lanka. They take the Government Forces as the force of evil fighting against a deified terrorist Prabhakaran acclaimed by the Tamils of the diaspora as their thalaivar – the Sun God.

This tragicomedy has to stop, and the Tamil Diaspora come to their senses to see Prabhakaran as a terrorist, that should be detested and destroyed for the good of the Tamil people living in Sri Lanka. The suffering of the Tamil civilians in Mulativu could be understood only by the people living here in Sri Lanka , but not by those Tamils living outside.

The suffering people are not the terrorists. The terrorists are those who inflict suffering on the Tamil civilians. In mixing up the terrorist with the Tamil people of Sri Lanka the Tamil diaspora as well as the International Community is causing lot of confusion to the detriment of the Tamil people and the Government of Sri Lanka.

If the ICRC is doing what they are expected to do in a “war torn” country they should do it without taking side with one party or the other to the conflict. If they cannot do that then they should get out of the country. ICRC is not their to create new problems to a Government who is doing its best in the interest of its civil population who had been suffering for nearly thirty years under a ruthless terrorism they never wanted.

It is the same with the United Nations System, Amnesty International, and all Human Rights activists. They should intelligently look at the problem of a country that had gone through pangs of sorrow and untold human suffering because a ruthless terrorist, aided and abetted by a rich Tamil diaspora wanted to set up a Tamil Homeland; which the ordinary Tamil people of the Country do not want.

The International Agencies and Human Rights Activists should know that it is their bounden duty to trust a democratically elected government rather than a Tamil Diaspora which had been for three decades financing a demoniac Tamil Man who became a terrorist to divide a country and its people.

The NGOs and INGOs have aggravated the problem of Sri Lanka, by taking sides with the terrorist against the government of Sri Lanka providing them with funds, technical knowhow, and technology and equipment, to enable the terrorists to break away a part of our country to set up a separate homeland.

The evidence of this abuse of confidence placed on the NGOs and INGOs by the Government, is being discovered by the Government Forces. There is clear evidence that the INGOs had been in someway helped the terrorists in the construction of 7 air strips, workshops for construction of submarines, air planes, underwater scooters, and supplying them with earth movers and tractors, bullet proof vehicles, and the construction of bunkers. which the majority of the Tamil people living in Sri Lanka does not want.

Sri Lanka is an example for other developing countries to understand that the INGOs who come pretending to help the countries have in reality other motives. Therefore as far as possible INGOs should not be given free access into their countries in future without taking from them an “oath of confidence”. If they are accepted they should not be allowed to work on their own without being controlled by the Governments.

But what more often happens is that the foreigners who come in the guise of Aid Workers are accepted by the people of developing countries with considerable confidence and respect believing they have honest intentions . Once accepted these worthless beings abuse the confidence placed on them by the governments to damage the country and its people by getting involved in politics, without remaining Neutral. In Sri Lanka the NGOs and the foreign media take life from the Sri Lanka Tamil Diaspora and are greatly influenced by it.

The Tamils of the Diaspora should stop fanning the “Tamil sentiments ” of the people. It is they who could help to solve the so called “ethnic problem” of Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora though educated and intelligent are still living with the hatred of ” July 1983″ As long as they continue to live with their “July 1983” mind set they will not see the present reality of the Sri Lankan problem. Once they get out of that 1983 mentality they will understand that the Tamil problem in Sri Lanka is different from what it was in July,1983. The confusion will persist to exists in their minds as long as they think of them selves as Tamils and not as Sri Lankans.

It is time that they realise that in a foreign country they are always referred to as Sri Lankans and not as Tamils. Therefore they should cultivate themselves to be Sri Lankans, or of Sri Lankan origin, with out thinking in terms of being the children of the Tamils who left their motherland in 1983. 1983 is the past; what remains of it is the fading memory. The second and third generation Tamils from Sri Lanka should grow up to be what they are now just of Sri Lankan origin.

MIA the Rapper should refuse to be a part of the terrorists. She is a Sri Lankan. She should not defend the cause of the terrorists. The Sri Lankan situation is too complicated for her to understand its ramifications. The Sri Lanka Tamils are different from the Terrorists in the north. When MIA speaks for the 20 percent as she says of Tamils, she should leave out the terrorists and understand that the Government Forces are fighting against the terrorists and not her 20 percent Tamils.

In this modern times when human beings are sent to the Moon, and even proposing to colonise the planets with human beings, the Tamil Diaspora should stop their continued attempt to create communal dissension in Sri Lanka thinking of themselves as Tamils who left Sri Lanka in 1983, therefore different from those living in Sri Lanka.

It is time they think of themselves as Sri Lankans and nothing else.

By Charles.S.Perera

One thought on “Tamils of the diaspora are responsible for letting terrorism continue in Sri Lanka, accusing the Goverment of genocide to attract International attention.

  1. dear editor,

    when you watch lankan crisis in one way approach you will never know what is happening in lanka , Realise why world want political solutions beacuse some this is not corrent in lankan constitution right ,LTTE are not doing these activities for time pass, critities others !! better think what is worng in your side .sri lanka has the potential to become
    econimic power in south asia

    i wishes you one day Tamil ellam and sri lanka become powerful state in federal structure of unite sri lanka

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