UNP crisis worsens after the defeat in the Eastern Provincial Council


 Group points finger at party leader for the defeat

After the defeat of the Eastern Provincial Council, a group of United National Party (UNP) stalwarts charge that the UNP leader who seems prefer to enjoy the privileges of the Opposition Leader post than gaining power, is responsible for the defeat. They accuse that the leader is in the hands of a few false UNPers and offers even party funds for their businesses.
They charge that the election campaign was not conducted at rural level in the Eastern Province. UNP did not issue handbills or posters to disseminate its message. One UNP renegade who has crossed over to the government has asked from a UNP Media Unit person over the phone how an election can be won without at least displaying a poster at village level.

UNP leader held a discussion on election propaganda in the Eastern Province in one room in Sirikotha without informing National Organizer S.B. Disanayaka who was in the next room. Mr. Disanayaka was not summoned for election campaign in the Eastern Province. The rebels ask why S.B. Disanayaka was appointed as National Organizer of UNP in this context. A member of this group said that the UNP leader met S.B. Disanayaka on the following day after the discussion on the election and asked what Mr. Disanayaka was doing. The latter has responded stating “Let’s start work at the next election.”

Meanwhile, a rumor was spread that S.B. Disanayaka was having regular telephone discussions with the President Mahinda Rajapakse and he was conspiring to join the government with few more UNPers. But Mr. Disanayaka vehemently denied the story.

Business losses were covered with party funds
Meanwhile, UNP Executive Committee member and MP Sajith Premadasa met Mr. Wickramasinghe and proposed to grant responsibilities to S.B. Disanayaka and deploy him in party work effectively.

Johnston Fernando, Dayasiri Jayasekara and several more members did not participate in the Executive Committee meeting held after the election defeat. It is reported that Johnston Fernando who was an ardent supporter of the party leader is criticizing his mentor now for the election defeat and boycotted the Executive Committee meeting for the same reason.

Two major countries granted Rs. 1000 million to the UNP Presidential fund in 2005. A nearby nation offered Rs. 500 million, but the budgets were not presented properly. Rs. 110 million of the grant was given to then party President Malik Samarawickrama and Rs. 90 million was given to one Lalin. There is a rumor in UNP that the rest of the money was given to Milinda Moragoda. Then UNP Treasurer Nimal Weerarathna did not receive these donations and he had to submit only a list of expenses as budget. A former Minister and an ex-member of UNP Executive Committee said that Mr. Weerarathna resigned from the post in this context.

The former Minister said that a Rs. 40 million loss incurred by Lalin in a deal with a foreign country was covered with the funds received by party.



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