So many writers are commenting and analyzing as to why Norway, USA, UK ect. are so keen to help Velupillai Prabhakaran the mass murderer escape. But somehow the most vital point just keeps eluding them.

These financers of terror are not concerned if Prabhakaran gets killed. In fact they will be happy if that happens.

But their in a cold sweat, that he might be nailed by Gen. Fonseka. Why? Cant you guess?

Obviously because Prabhakaran is the repository of all the information. What information?
Norway’s and other western nations aid for his terror campaign in Sri Lanka!
Money, weapons, logistics, bank connections and contact names are all in his head. And these western nations who financed his terror campaign are mortified of what would come to be if he is apprehended.

What is more, even if he is caught by the Sri Lankan forces, there must be a Sinhalese Catholic mole in the Army waiting to bump him off. That contract must have been in place for some time now. So don’t cry over spilt milk when that happens.

In other words they want Prabhakaran dead, and very dead at that, not alive under any circumstances, in that way they can bury the whole sordid episode and get away Scot free. Under the circumstances it is the obligation of Gen. Fonseka not to let that happen.

Indeed what the good general should do is, some how seize him, but should not inform the world that he did so. Then he should video everything he says and pump out all the information, before giving him the cyanide. He is a coward so you will have to push the pill down his throat.

With that information Sri Lanka can bleed these terror financers and make them pay billions and billions for their crimes. For they may be scared, that Sri Lanka may present the list of terror financers to the UN’s general assembly.

Think, people think!
Mahinda Weerasinghe


  1. Sinhalese Catholic mole?? Since when did this become a religious war? Stupid writer needs to calm down a bit.

  2. I don’t think the writer is sense able. its shows his personal revenge on Tamils. he needs some education in using public media. he is trying to initiate a new issues which is really a big dangerous than ethnic issues. he is trying to bringin religion in this war. which will destroy whole Sri lanka Think , Mahinda Weerasinghe think !

  3. You, Mr Mahinda Weerasinghe who wrote this article ought to cultivate an ounce more of tact and understanding in your reporting. Your mention of the words “Sinhalese Catholic Mole”, “very dead at that” and defaming other countries without any hard proof shows your lack of understanding in reporting. This incident should be reported to the senior editors of The Lanka Daily News to avoid such repetitions from happening again. One idiot with no understanding is all that it takes to trigger violence and bloodshed as Sri Lanka has had to undergo due to Prabhakaran’s LTTE over 25 years.

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