‘Channel-4 video a fake’– Video forensic analyst

The new Channel 4 video of alleged extra-judicial killings in Sri Lanka which the new UN Rapporteur, Prof. Christof Heyns claimed as being authentic after having same tested by three US forensic experts at the Geneva sessions of the UNHRC in June 2011, has once again been determined as a fake by Siri Hewavitharana of Australia, who is one of the world’s leading experts on digital video systems and former Head of Cisco’s Global Broadcast and Digital Video Practice division.

Hewavitharana is presently the Executive Director of IPTV Systems in Sydney, Australia, the Lankan Defence Ministry website (www.defence.lk) said.

Hewavitharana’s incisive comments relating to Channel 4’s latest video have been published in a news report carried in the Asian Tribune of June 6, 2011, the website said. It added that:

“It must also be mentioned here that Jonathan Taylor, the foreign affairs correspondent of the Channel 4 News of UK claimed that the gun wielding men dressed in Sri Lanka army uniforms were members of the Sri Lankan Security Forces and that the alleged victims were members of the Tamil community without providing any proof as to their identities other than the UN Rapporteur stating that according to experts hired by him the video was authentic. We are aware that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), also known as the Tamil Tigers possessed such uniforms having overrun Sri Lankan Army installations in the past, which they donned to carry out atrocities against their own Tamil people and other ethnicities.

“Yet other data to question the authenticity of the video, and grounds to reach other conclusions are given by us following the undernoted comments of Hewavitharana.”

Full text of the analysis report published by Siri Hewawitharana.

Channel 4 video is fake, edited and video taken by video camera

By Siri Hewawitharana

“It seems new Channel 4 video at UN is worse than the previous one even though new video supposed to show old video clip with added drama and whole video is fake with a date indicating UTC 2009-07-15 13 :17:23 and taken by a video camera and Not by a mobile phone as indicated.

‘Worst part is UN’s new Rapporteur Christof Heyns hired a new US based video specialist Grant Fredericks to analyse the video. I am surprised, with his conclusion, that the video is edited using Philips editing software and never came from the mobile phone since video is using an Optical Zoom which is not available in any mobile camera that is available to date.

‘To me, video editing is so obvious that all it needs is to look into the video end to see more than one video layer, and audio is also not synchronized in with the video as indicated by the previous Channel 4 video…. The technical foot print is identical on both videos indicating it is edited by the same software and by the same idiot.

‘Also Jeff S. Spivack is now giving different and conflicting answers but avoiding the main criticism that video is edited using a PC and he uses childish or dishonest analysis saying rudimentary editing possible on a mobile phone cannot do this type of a video… Who is he kidding?

At one part he says the video is edited using Philips software and using a PC and other part he said it cannot be done with the mobile phones editing applications…. How does he answer Grant Frederick’s analysis saying these are high quality video that came from a video camera? What can he say about 17 frames of video that is inconsistent with the original video?

This anomaly was created by a new video wrapper that try to create from original video camera to the mobile video format and if you work in this area you know why this happened, except Grant says he does not know why it happened?

My technical conclusion that was done with the previous and the present video is almost identical to Grant Frederick’s analysis.


2 thoughts on “‘Channel-4 video a fake’– Video forensic analyst

  1. Time has come for all of us to cry out to God to help all those who are affected by this war in both Tamils and Singalese communities and may peace and justice rule over Srilanka where Tamils, Singalese and all the other nationalities can live together as one community, respecting each other, helping each other, may love prevail, if we live by the sword, we will die by the sword, let us not allow any evil to destroy Srilanka, every citizen of this nation should rise up make love the source of energy to unite Srilanka, may we show random act of kindness today to the person we see as we travel to work in the bus, we see people with needs every where we go, some of them we as we goto work, we see them the school, we see them in the hospitals, we see them every where, some of thses people have lost their jobs, highly educated, but cannot find employment, some of them have no money to pay their rents, we see needy people in he streets as we carry out our daily activities, let us show randam act of kindness to these people today, let us not stop, tomorrow is a new day, sun comes up, so are we again reaching out to those who are in need, showing randam act of kindness to another human being, we will keep on doing it day after day, until Srilanka starts to reflect the light that comes from the supreme being who created the beautiful island of Srilanka, that is the cry of World Praying Community

  2. Call to delay UK Tamil deportations to Sri Lanka
    It worked now the LTTE bogus refugees can stay and probably obtain residency status and rake benefits. Fabrigated fake records, recorded on mobile phones, who on earth can honestly believe one staying behind recording when being bombed and missiles being fired at by the LTTE or SL Army. I would be happy to know how much the Channel 4 allways truely supporters of the LTTE movement was paid to show this programme.

    No govt. managed to stop this LTTE mass murders, NOW that there is peace and harmony in the country the west is unhapy. The west should praise the SL Govt. The programme basically in my understanding did introduce hatred and disharmony among the new SL generation.

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