Daily News

Daily News

Drafting of the new legislation for granting dual citizenship to expatriate Sri Lankans completed

Authorities in Sri Lanka have completed the drafting of new legislation to grant dual citizenship to Sri Lankans residing overseas. The spokesperson said the draft legislation has already been submitted to the Attorney General’s Department for review. Meanwhile, Secretary to the Ministry of Defense and Urban Development, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said the amendment would be tabled […]

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Daily News

Yala National Park closed in September for maintenance

According to the wildlife department, the Yala National Park will be closed for visitors in September. The spokesperson said bookings of bungalows would not be allowed for local or foreign visitors from September 1 to 30 and during this period maintenance work of bungalows and the park would be carried out. Spokesperson also said as […]

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Daily News

Indian Govt says ‘terror’ attack after blasts at Mahabodhi Temple

REUTERS – A series of explosions in and around Buddhism’s holiest shrine in Bihar injured two persons early on Sunday, in what the government described as a “terror” attack. The Mahabodhi Temple complex is located in Bodh Gaya, the place where the Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment. “It is a terror attack.. no […]

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Daily News

Tamil Nadu fishermen enter Sri Lankan waters

Jaffna forum – The claim of Tamil Nadu fishermen that they do not go beyond Kachchativu to fish and that they are attacked by the Sri Lankan Navy in Indian waters is completely fictitious, say Jaffna fishermen. “It is a blatant lie,” said an angry K Rajachandran, president of the Ambal Fishermen’s Cooperative Society, Karainagar, […]

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Daily News

No official record of Indian fishermen killed in Sri Lankan waters!

Indian Minister of Defence, Shri A.K. Antony in a statement to the Indian Parliament has said that there is no official record of Indian fishermen killed in Sri Lankan territorial waters. A total of 23 boats and 131 Indian fishermen were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy during the last year. The apprehended fishermen have […]

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