Day: September 15, 2008

Daily News

Fierce gun battle in Akkarayankulam, 18 terrorists killed, many injured

[ad#200×200]According to the latest information received from the battlefront, hours-long gun battle ensued between security forces and LTTE terrorists from this morning, 15 September, in general area east of Akkarayankulam tank killing 18 terrorists and injuring many others. LTTE terrorists are constructing an earth barrier along the Akkarayankulam tank – Terumurikandi road (East of Akkarayankulam) […]

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Featured articles

Protect Tamil Citizens at Any Cost, Chase NGOs and INGOs

Sri Lankan NGOs, Human Rights Groups, and INGOs should realize that Sri Lankan army is the world’s only army (humanitarian army) who is feeding its enemy and fighting it at the same time. In every other conflict in the modern world, including even the US operations of Kosovo and Iraq, the US army and the […]

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Wanni operation Video – 15th september 2008


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Daily News

Kassippu carrying trishaw hit by train: two dead

[ad#200×200]Two persons died on the spot and one was wounded when a three wheeler carrying a stock of kassippu collided with a train at an unprotected railway crossing at Batuwatte, Ragama, yesterday morning. The dead were identified as M. Neville (41) of Batagama south and Milton Fernando (27) of Welisara thotupala road. The driver Gamimi […]

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Daily News

UN says it temporarily halted moving out of Wanni

[ad#200×200]Defence observers say fearing a military onslaught once devoid of civilians, the Tigers are using the situation to gain the sympathy of the international community and bring the wrath on the government, Sept 14, Colombo: The United Nations in Sri Lanka said Sunday that its staffers have halted their withdrawal from war zones in Wanni […]

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