Day: December 19, 2008

Daily News

Fuel shortage in Sri Lanka spreading as executive and judiciary branches clash

[ad#200×200]19th Dec, Political analysts see the fuel controversy as a plot by the Sri Lanka main opposition party, UNP to deprive the government of its revenues and stop the on-going war effort against LTTE. A fuel shortage resulted in Sri Lanka due to the clash between the executive and judiciary branches of the government is […]

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Paranthan Attack 19 st December 2008

httpv:// Wanni operation video 19th December 2008

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Daily News

Two LTTE sea tiger leaders killed in air raids

[ad#200×200]Two LTTE sea tiger leaders were killed in an air attack launched by the SLAF MI-24 helicopter gun ships targeting LTTE boat movement this morning, 19 December. Air Force sources confirmed citing Electronic Warfare sources, two woman LTTE sea tiger leaders, Suhandini and Siran, were killed in the air attack launched around 11.45 am targeting […]

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Featured articles

A Response to TamilNet

By Ambassador Blake: I was disappointed to read on TamilNet criticism of the US Government’s programmes to help stabilise and develop Eastern Sri Lanka. Since there is no mechanism to respond to TamilNet, I thought I would use the Embassy’s blog to respond to some of the incorrect assertions in the TamilNet article. [ad#200×200]First, a […]

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