Troops overrun LTTE’s build-up in Akkarankulam

[ad#200×200]After engaging the LTTE in an intense battle, troops of the 57 division have overrun the terrorist outfit’s build up in the Akkarankulam area today (05), the Ministry of Defence said.

It is reported that many LTTE cadres were killed in the confrontation while many others were injured.
According to latest military reports, troops flanking the western edge of the build-up had entered the area initially, followed by a swift incursion by the troops from the southern area of the battlefront.

Troops are currently consolidating power in the area, sources said, adding that terrorists were reported to be mounting intermittent resistances from distance positions, further north.

During subsequent search operations conducted in the area, troops have recovered the bodies of two terrorists, 2 T-56 assault riffles and an I-com set, military sources said.

The Akkarayankulam build-up was considered to be the main LTTE concentration point and is located 9 kms Southwest of the Kilinochchi town area. The latest triumph is expected to add momentum to the military surge towards the LTTE heartland, defence observers state.

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