Canadian Authorities stop LTTE Suicide Bombers’ Day celebrations

[ad#200×200]Canadian authorities acting on information provided by Sri Lankan Tamil expatriates in Toronto have stopped the main Suicide Bombers’ Day celebrations organized by the LTTE supporters this morning (Nov 27).

According to a reliable source in Canada, members of the terrorist outfit have organized the event in grand scale at Parsons Convention Centre at Brampton, Toronto. The event has been scheduled to be commenced around 7 AM (Canadian Time) with the participant listening to the annual suicide bombers day speech by terrorist chief V. Prbhakaran, the sources added.

“The organizers have put up huge video screens, heavy sound systems, and a satellite connection to air the terrorist leaders’ speech”, our source said.

The sources added that the organizers have expected a couple of thousands of Tamils to participate for the event.

“Usually, the LTTE supporters force the Tamils living in Toronto to participate for the fanatical celebration. However, this time the numbers have drastically decreased.”

Speaking further, the sources said that the authorities have shut down the electricity and disconnect the satellite connection after being informed on the true nature of the event.

“The organizers had mislead the authorities that the event was just a peaceful gathering”

The LTTE is a ruthless terrorist organization that fights for a mono ethnic separate homeland for the Tamils in Sri Lanka since 1983. Inspired by its psychopathic leader , V. Prabhakaran and his ideology based on tribalism, the outfit has murdered tens of thousands of Sri Lankan citizens during last three decades. Also, the LTTE being the first terrorist organization to introduce suicide bombers, and becoming the first to acquire naval and airpower , is known as the most sophisticated terrorist outfit of the world. The LTTE is in the UN list of shame for its use of child soldiers in war.

Courtesy: Ministry of Defence

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