Mullaittivu Fall Marks Beginning of the End of Tigers

[ad#200×200] MULLAITTIVU, the maritime township on the northeastern coastal belt of the island, situated about 348 km away from COLOMBO capital is flanked by the Indian ocean to the east and NANTHI KADAL lagoon on the west.

     Tiger terrorists considered this coastal town as vital important in the warfare against the Armed Forces since it provided a main base for their Sea Tiger operations. The open sea routes from MULLAITTIVU maintained the LTTE international network which promoted LTTE’s smuggling and other illegal transactions with their overseas LTTE organizations and their allies.

     On initiative of Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, the 59 Division was raised in January 2008 in WELIOYA to conduct offensives to recapture MULLAITTIVU. The Division was able to serve the purpose after one year of its inception covering a distance of about 40 km through enormous obstacles such as jungles, open lands, mine- fields, trenches and earth bunds, etc amidst ferocious LTTE resistance.

     Sri Lanka Army maintained a garrison of about 1200 soldiers of two infantry units under the 6 Brigade. The 9 SLSR (Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment) troops and 6 VIR (Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment) troops were initially deployed with support arms such as the artillery and heavy mortars mounted. LTTE had been eyeing on this isolated military garrison surrounded by LTTE domination on the western border for a long time.

      LTTE’s offensives against the troops began as the first rounds were fired by them at MULLAITTIVU on 18th July 1996 around 1.30 a.m.. By 25th January 1996 remaining soldiers withdrew towards KOKKUTHUDUWAI.

     Fall of MULLAITTIVU which joins the A-34 MANKULAM main road to A-35 PARANTHAN road symbolically marks the beginning of the end of LTTE and its war machine.


2 thoughts on “Mullaittivu Fall Marks Beginning of the End of Tigers

  1. Sri Lankan Army Entered in to Mulathivu – Great Achievement.

    Now we have recaptured our earlier owned all military garrisons; having least amount of damage to our fearless soldiers, both political leaders and civil public have to recollect their memories going back in to the 1996 era since then only everybody can understand why did we loose those important military bases during that period?.

    As everyone understands, the ultimate target is to take control of the area as well as to neutralize the LTTE leadership. This period may be crucial, LTTE is no longer going to resist and LTTE leaders may try to escape and go into hiding here or abroad. If we do not give our utmost attention in this very crucial juncture we might loose an excellent chance and faced a continuing risk to the nation and public. As an example- unless we had failed to get the (89) JVP leaders, the southern civil troubles might not have been eradicated as yet now that the liberated areas will definitely be protected by our gallant soldiers and other servicemen. If we do not concentrate to get the LTTE leadership, the situation will be even crucial after liberating the entire area and nation is going to face low level conflict.
    Undoubtedly, the contribution from civil society is very vital in this period, especially the media should have to play a constructive role and go beyond the pity party politics to see from a wider angle. Both Political and Military leaders should not have to worry about what the media say. They have to accomplish the target of eradicating terrorism from our bleeding motherland and ushering peace before thinking about civil liberty & democracy. (No one can play Cricket and Foot ball in the same venue simultaneously)

    Kithsiri Dissanayake

  2. Realy, I agree with Kithsiri’s clear comments according to the above news on great recapture. If India or some other country would not be disturbed, final target may be achieved soon. It will fruit full for the all ethnic groups of Sri Lanka. I wish Sri Lankan Army.

    Ajitha (Canada)

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