Army 57 Div reach Kuravilkulam Junction – Mullaittivu

[ad#200×200] Sri Lanka Army 57 Division troops have entered Kuravilkulam built up located 16 miles west of Paranthan down the A-35 road (Paranthan- Mullaittivu) this afternoon (Feb 10).

According to the battlefield sources, soldiers of 8 Sri Lanka Light infantry (8 SLLI) commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ipsitha Dissanayake have manoeuvred from south of the A-35, crossing the Theravil Aru (canal) and captured the Kuravilkulam junction during the morning hours. The infantrymen encountered stiff terrorist resistance as they marched across the open ground before they have reached the Kuravilkulam junction, said the sources.

During subsequent search operations, troops have found a forty-foot container full of ammunition used for multi purpose machine guns (MPMG) and T-56 riffles. The fighting is continued as troops are now engaged in moping up operations to neutralize remaining LTTE pockets, the sources added.

Ministry of Defence

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