North Western and Central PS polls smooth

[ad#200×200]Polling for the North Western and Central provincial council election commenced this morning at 7 a.m. So for no major incidents of election violence has been reported from any area,

It is reported that the turn up for polling has be low than usual during the morning hours however it is hoped it will increase by the end of the day. Polling in the Nuwera Eliya District has been satisfactory as there has been a very good response from the estate workers in the polls.

The percentages of the polling for the following districts have been received .

Central Province

Kandy District- 45% – 50%
Nuwera Eliya District -40%
Matale District – 40%- 50%

North Western Province

Kurunegala District – 40%
Putlum District – 42%

The Election commissioner hopes to expedite the counting of votes and releasing the results as soon as official procedures are completed. The results will be available on And also via Mobitel SMS services.

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