LTTE endgame reaching its final phase: scores killed in Mullaittivu battle

At least 32 LTTE terrorists were killed and over dozen reported wounded during separate confrontations ensued between troops and LTTE in general area at Palamattalam, Tamarakulam and Puthukkudiyirippu at the Mullaittivu battlefront yesterday (March 6).

According to finalized military reports received, LTTE terrorists now confined to a mere 45 land stretch are making desperate efforts to prolong its imminent defeat, locating clusters of heavy mortar and artillery batteries inside the declared no fire zone.

Meanwhile, Task Force- 8 and 58 Division troops forging into the remaining LTTE territory have reportedly inflicted heavy damages to terrorists also recovering 15 LTTE bodies and a cache of military hardware.

In general area South of Palamattalam, 58 Div infantrymen made swift advances killing 11 terrorists and injuring a dozen others, security sources said. Also, troops of 12GW(Gemunu Watch) operating in general area Tamaralankulam have uncovered 14 LTTE bodies(10 male and 4 female) including 36 T-56 assault riffles, 02x LMG weapons, 15x hand grenades, 06x I-com sets and 3000x T-56 ammunitions. Subsequently, 11 SLLI troops have also found another LTTE body along with 10 T-56 assault riffles, one T-81 assault riffles and a GPS.

Meanwhile, TF-8 troops continuing offensive operations in general area Puthukkudiyirippu have engaged identified LTTE resistance positions killing 6 terrorists and injuring 13 others, security sources said. During subsequent search operations conducted troops have also uncovered an LTTE body, 04x T-56 assault riffles, an I-com set and 03 underground containers.

Ministry of Defence

3 thoughts on “LTTE endgame reaching its final phase: scores killed in Mullaittivu battle

  1. LTTE , despite its claims and effective propaganda, does not represent the Tamil speaking Sri Lankans. It never submitted itself to elections; to the contrary, it is a quasi-cult terror group, subservient to the whims of one person, Prabhakaran. His decisions, rather than any nationalist goal, send people to their death, train them for death, preferably from childhood, and have long murdered any moderate or nonviolent Tamil speaking politician in the country. In that, and many other respects, LTTE are similar to other cult-like revolutionary terrorists, such as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) of Abdullah Ocalan in Turkey and Abimael Guzman’s Communist Party of Peru, a.k.a. Shining Path. To comprehend LTTE, imagine Jim Jones’ Temple cult of Guyana in possession of a “navy” and “air force,” as well as (at its height) some 20,000 fanatical and armed zombie followers.
    Prabhakaran imposed a blood tax on the people under his control. Each family had to provide a son to the LTTE—a pattern condemned by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the UN. LTTE made every follower bear a cyanide pill (thus few “Tigers” were ever captured) and established special units, such as the “black Tigers,” for murder and assassination. In fact, until the early 1990s, the LTTE led the world in suicide bombings, with victims including a president and many ministers of Sri Lanka, as well as a former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi.
    If there are indeed some 200,000 or more civilians in the 50 sq km under LTTE control (that would make that area one of the most densely populated in the world, at 4,000 people per sq km), how is the army going to separate them from the LTTE cadres? Can any army do that? Obviously not, which is why the “solution” advocated by the NGOs and, more logically, by the Tigers’ propaganda machine in the West and southern India, is a “cease-fire,” ostensibly to allow the evacuation of civilians. That is why LTTE sympathizers are demonstrating in India, England, and Canada, ostensibly in favor of a cease fire—one that would allow the LTTE, once again, to escape final defeat, come back and, of course, repeat the circle again: civilian hostage taking, use, manipulation and indoctrination included, as well as rearming. We have seen this movie before, and many Sri Lankans, mostly Tamils, have paid with their lives for it.

  2. There won’t be peace till the last tiger is killed. Decimate them. They are nazis and murderers. Nravo Srilanka forces. Wish them the final victory.

  3. I know the LTTE mindset. Firstly they do not respect indian tamils and treat them as inferior beings. secondly LTTE has killed more tamils than even sinhalas. Thirdly LTTE has reduced the once educated and learned community of srilankan tamils to zero.All because Pirabhakran wants to be an absulute dictator.Last thing on his mind is tamil cause. Personal power is what drives him. He has even butchured his own comrades who were true fighters of tamil cause.

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