58 Div troops reach Iranapalai Junction – Puthukkudiyiruppu

Troops engaged in the final phase of military offensive to free entire country from LTTE terrorists have marked a decisive milestone reaching to the Iranapalai junction, a strategically vital junction in Puthukkudiyiruppu built-up in Mullaittivu district, this morning (16 March) latest report received from the battlefront said.

Infantrymen of 20 Gajaba Regiment (20 GR), 7 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (7 SLSR) and 11 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (11 SLLI) serving under 581 Brigade reached to the Iranapalai junction following intense fighting took place in the area for last few days, military sources added.

With the newest gaining, the remaining area for the LTTE terrorists has been further shrunk while opening safer escaping passages for innocent Tamil civilians who had been trapped by LTTE terrorists as human shield in the government declared No Fire Zone, sources further said.

Electronic Warfare (EW) sources confirmed that with the fallen of Iranapalai junction on troops, heated arguments had been exchanged via terror communication channels among the ground commanders who led LTTE cadres in the desperate attempt to hold security forces’ advance.

LTTE activities along the Puthukkudiyiruppu – Putumathalan main road, once LTTE’s main supply route, and several link roads, running across the Iranapalai junction, will be further limited with the fallen of Iranapalai junction.

Ministry of Defence

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