China informs the UNSC again not to interfere in Sri Lanka’s internal affairs

Sri Lankan military operations have no effect on international peace and security :

China informs the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) not to interfere in Sri Lanka’s internal affairs. A proposal has been included in the agenda of the council said that civilians are affected by the humanitarian operations in the north.

The council was compelled to withdraw the motion on two occasions due to stern opposition of China. China has reiterated that Sri Lankan military operations have no effect on international peace and security.

Government Information Department

One thought on “China informs the UNSC again not to interfere in Sri Lanka’s internal affairs

  1. Demilitarization is very essential for survival of our country and democratization is needed for the country to prosper. While leaders of the powerful countries are trying militarize the world and promoting dictators and anti democratic actions, our current president is honestly trying to demilitarize and democratize the country. Enough is enough. All Sri Lankans need peace and prosperity very urgently.
    It has been the proud privilege of the Sri Lankans to live in harmony with one another. That has been the basis of Sri Lanka’s culture from the days of Asoka, 2300 years ago; this has been repeatedly declared and practiced.
    The Tamil and the Sinhala speaking Sri Lankans are very closely united culturally. Language will not become a subject of racist division in few years if all Sri Lankan children learn Sinhala and Tamil. Let us endeavour to rebuild the brotherhood that once existed between the Sinhala and Tamil speaking Sri Lankans is the only way forward to usher in peace and prosperity once more to this beautiful country of ours that has been torn apart by war and strife.

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