LTTE resorts to cyber terrorism; hacks army website

The official website of Sri Lanka Army, has been hacked by suspected LTTE hackers this morning (May 1). The Webmaster of the Army called the attack a desperate bid by the LTTE propagandists to hold the truth on humanitarian mission being revealed to the world. He said measures are being taken to restore the website soon.

LTTE propagandists have been extensively using the Internet as a platform to launch their misinformation, and disinformation campaigns against Sri Lanka since 1997. The terrorists had a free reign in spreading their propaganda ploys through the Internet until the end of 2005, when current Secretary of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa, introduced innovative counter actions. Since then, the terror propagandist like their field cadres on the ground have started to suffer ignominious defeats on the cyberspace, as their lies have been countered with the truth. Sri Lanka Army website has been playing a vital role in this mission for the truth.

The views this attack as another sign of the LTTE’s inevitable defeat. Also, the attack provides an opportunity for those who still dance to the tune of the LTTE propagandists to reconsider their behaviour. The truth needs no violence to uncover itself.

Ministry of Defence

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