Army elites spearhead the final assault; Sri Lanka awaits total liberation from terror

Sri Lanka Army elites have entered into the final foothold of the LTTE terrorists that has been shrunk to a 350m x 250m area on the northeastern coast, reveal latest battlefield reports. Troops are now engaged in mop operations in a heavily mined and trapped stretch of a land where the remaining terrorists are hiding in, the reports add.

Sri Lankan soldiers on Sunday (May 17) completed their hostage rescue mission successfully with the freeing of all civilians held at hostage by the terrorists. Despite the speculations of a “bloodbath” and a “humanitarian catastrophe” at the final military push, Sri Lankan soldiers were able rescue about 70,000 people with in the last 72 hours without causing any harm to the innocent.

Defence observers articulate the achievement of the Sri Lankan soldiers as another display of true professionalism. A senior defence observer speaking to said that the soldiers have once again given lie to the weird predictions and commentaries of certain ignorant officials of various humanitarian organizations.

“Our soldiers have once again shown how professional they are. They have separated the hostages from the terrorists with meticulous manoeuvres and rescued the civilians from terror clutches”, he said.

“Those who awaited for a bloodbath now have to admit that they were just dancing to the tune of the terror propaganda”, he added.

Meanwhile, soldiers have rescued a large number of sick, disabled and wounded civilians left in the areas where terrorists had abandoned. These civilians have revealed how the LTTE had shamelessly exploited their sufferings to mislead the world. According to the rescued, the LTTE had ordered all sick and wounded civilians to lie outside of their temporary shelters and used their photographs and videos to win international sympathy. Most of the wounded are those who were fired upon by the LTTE when they attempted to escape the terror rule.

Reports from the frontline further reveal that LTTE terrorists has set ablaze civilian shelters, vehicles and other assets before fleeing the area. Also, the soldiers have uncovered large hauls of arms and ammunition about which the details are yet to be ascertained.

Ministry of Defence

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