Anti-terror Demonstration in Sweden


A multi-ethnic demonstration urging the Sweden Government to take stern action proscribing the internationally banned terror outfit LTTE and its front organisations was held Sunday (August 24) in Sweden opposite the Stockholm Cultural House, from 12.00PM to 3.00PM.

The demonstration attracted large numbers of peace loving people and Sri Lankan expatriates who requested the concerned authorities to condemn the spree of violence unleashed by the LTTE in the island nation and to immediately ban the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO), which is also found to be the financial arm of the LTTE. Sri Lankans in Sweden demonstrate against LTTE

The protestors also displayed placards and photographs of LTTE atrocities including political assassinations, suicide bombings, and genocides against innocent civilians which was followed by the collection of signatures to a petition against LTTE, to be handed over to the Hon. Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt.

“The LTTE terrorists had planted the opinion in Sweden that Sri Lanka Security forces are slaughtering the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankans through this protest have dislodged that false misinformation campaign propagated by Tiger activists” organisers were quoted as saying.


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