Tamil Tiger thugs attack another two Singhalese students at Pendle Hill, NSW, Australia

The two students were hungry, and they had no time even to cook a meal. So, they drove to the nearby Tamil shop in Pendle Hill to buy ready-made Sri Lankan food boxes. They had just alighted from the car, when they observed several other cars screeching to a halt in front of them. Having learnt about the previous day’s vicious attacks on Singhalese youths by the Tamil Tiger thugs, the two students tried to get into their car.
The driver just managed to get in and lock his side of the door. His friend was caught before he got into the car. One thug lifted a letter box from a nearby house and attacked injuring him on the back. Others attacked the car with iron bars smashing all the windows. Through the broken side-glass one thug cut the driver, injuring him on the neck. However, the driver managed to start the car, get his friend in and escape. They drove pell mell to the nearest Police Station at Wentworthville and reported. So far, no one has been apprehended. The two students managed to avoid serious injury although their car is almost a total wreck.

source: spur.asn.au

One thought on “Tamil Tiger thugs attack another two Singhalese students at Pendle Hill, NSW, Australia

  1. Dear
    We all know that all Tamils are not LTTE supporters. As a student who studied in Australia I know that most of Sri Lankan shops are owned buy Tamil businessmen who got nothing to with LTTE. But, unfortunately there are some LTTE supporters who hang around near these shops trying to attack innocent sinhaleese people with the LTTE mentality.
    For the god shake, until peace is established, I advise my sri lanakn friends who study overseas not to hang around in these areas and cook something like Parippu and Rice or 2 minute instant noodles. Your parents sent you to overseas by spending all their money to get a good education not to end your lives or threaten yoir lives like this.

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