Our leader Velupillai Prabakharan is dead, Tamil Tigers admit

Uncertainty surrounding the fate of Velupillai Prabakharan, the leader of the Tamil Tigers, deepened last night after a statement purporting to be from the rebels admitted that he was dead.

The statement, seen by The Times, appeared to be signed by Selvarasa Pathmanathan (KP), the Tigers’ head of international relations.

Sources close to the rebels said, however, they could not confirm that it was genuine.

Mr Pathmanathan, who is believed to be in hiding in South-East Asia and who said last Tuesday that Prabakharan was alive, was not available for comment. Tamilnet, the website that usually acts as the rebels’ mouthpiece, did not carry the statement.

The BBC quoted Mr Pathmanathan as confirming the announcement in a telephone interview, but the sources close to the Tigers, and some Tamil. Read Full Article >>

2 thoughts on “Our leader Velupillai Prabakharan is dead, Tamil Tigers admit

  1. I think the Tamils must stay away from KP.He lied that Prabakaran is alive and doing fine.But now admit that he is dead.How to verify such lies.The Tamils like Karuna,Daya Masters are not dumb like him.The Tamils have a vast pool of capable leaders,they should nominate the proper one and rely on him than KP. It is time for reconcilation,reconstruction and reviving Sri Lanka to a new level,with all parties and people together for Unity,Prosperity and better future.

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