Peace booms fish harvest in Mannar & Trincomalee

Following the lifting of all fishing restrictions in the island’s north, over 200% growth in the fish harvest has been reported from Mannar and Trincomalee districts. According to the statistics collected by Sri Lanka Navy , 229% growth in fish harvest and 155% growth in number fishing boats went out sea for fishing have been indicated for 14 days.

Sri Lanka Navy lifted all fishing restrictions imposed on the Island’s coastal waters on the 20th June 2009. The measure was taken as a step towards bringing normalcy to the area after the end 30 years terror rule.

The significant growth of 203% in fish harvest has been reported from the Mannar district, after resettlement of 700 displaced families in Musali, Arippu, Swariyapuram, Vankalai and Mannar areas. The resettled fishermen were provided fishing gear and other assistance.

The Northern Province of Sri Lanka alone is comprised of 480 km long coastline, with 250 fishing villages. According to the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, over 35,000 active fishermen in the Northern Province produce 14000 tons of fish annually. The Ministry sources added that arrangements are now being made to transport excess fish products to Colombo using insulated trucks.

Ministry of Defence

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