Military headquarters to be relocate by 2013

The Sri Lankan government expects to complete the constructions of the new military complex in Battaramulla by 2013.

The military complex now under construction locates in a 56-acre land in the administrative capital of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura.

The new military complex will consist of the headquarters of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, the offices of the Commanders of the three armed forces, training centers, operational rooms, research centers, and other facilities.

The Defense Ministry located now in a prime land in Galle Face is also to be shifted to the new military complex, Defense Ministry sources say.

The land facing the Gall Face green where those establishments are currently located have been acquired by two Chinese companies to set up hotel-shopping complexes. The two companies are expected to bring in a total investment of one billion US dollars.
source: Colombopage

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