Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka denied the white flag statement

Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka completely denied the white flag statement today (May 12) at the Colombo High Courts adding that the statement which was reported in The Sunday Leader was a complete fabrication.

The Leader reported an alleged statement made by Fonseka which revealed that LTTE leaders who had surrendered under a white flag had been executed upon the order of the Defence Secretary. He further stated in courts that the journalist had distorted a reply that he had given to a question that she had put forward in her own words in order to build this story.

He added that in his 40 years of service to Sri Lanka he has never acted against the Sri Lankan Military.

3 thoughts on “Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka denied the white flag statement

  1. We have seen and heard of double tounged statements of Mr.Fonseka on several occations. This is nothoing but a repetetion of such utterances.

  2. Get out of jail card? No wonder everyone who push him to politics now in the other side!! At last Fonseka lied!!!

  3. Infact Sri Lanka is a ungrateful nation..Karuna,pilleyan,KP who murdered thousands of inncent people and soldiers enjoy all the benefits.the true hero is in jail.Sri lankan know about this but they are scared to do anything cos of the brutal dictator.curse of the whole nation to MR and his regime will lead them to suffer…

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