Fierce gun battle in Akkarayankulam, 18 terrorists killed, many injured

[ad#200×200]According to the latest information received from the battlefront, hours-long gun battle ensued between security forces and LTTE terrorists from this morning, 15 September, in general area east of Akkarayankulam tank killing 18 terrorists and injuring many others.

LTTE terrorists are constructing an earth barrier along the Akkarayankulam tank – Terumurikandi road (East of Akkarayankulam) to delay the security forces’ movement towards Kilinochchi. Despite the heavy resistance given by the terrorists, troops have dominated a land stretch along the Akkarayankulam – Terumurikandi road where the earth barrier not exist.Kilinochchi Map

LTTE terrorists are making desperate attempt to secure their defences in the area by reinforcing more LTTE cadres from Jaffna and Kilinochchi areas, defence sources in the battlefront said. Few LTTE teams being reinforced also suffered maximum damages due to heavy firepower launched by the security forces, troops confirmed by intercepting terror transmission.

Three security forces personnel made their utmost sacrifices for defending the motherland while 9 others suffered injuries, defence sources said.

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