All set for Deepavali tomorrow in Jaffna

[ad#200×200]All necessary steps have been taken by the Government to ensure that civilians in Jaffna will not be in want in any way during the Deepavali festival, which falls tomorrow (27th).

The Government has accordingly ensured a continuous supply of essential items including food and medicine to Jaffna despite the torrential rains currently experienced in the peninsula and the continuous targetting of food convoys by the LTTE terrorists.

Navy spokesman Commander D.K.P. Dassanayake said that the motive behind the recent LTTE attack targeting the food vessels was to create a huge shortage of essential food items during the Deepavali festive season in the peninsula and thereby attempt to obtain the attention of the international community to pressurize the Government to hold the military offensives against the terrorists who are on the verge of losing their main bastion, Kilinochchi, to the advancing troops.

“The Navy not only thwarted the move of the LTTE but also ensured that the Jaffna civilians celebrate Deepavali without any hindrance,” Commander Dassanayake told a weekend national newspaper.

The two vessels were carrying more that 6000 MT of essential items to the region at the time of the LTTE attack which was successfully thwarted by the Navy.

All the Government officials have assured that there is no shortage of essential items or foodstuff in the region.
Meanwhile Security Forces have taken additional measure to insulate the public from any indiscriminate attacks by scattered LTTE groups during the Deepavali season in the peninsula.

The Jaffna town area was packed with civilians for Deepavali shopping, sources said.

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