Army goes offensive at Northern FDL – Muhamalai and Kilaly

[ad#200×200]Sri Lanka Army latest offensive elements 53 and 55 divisions are now in the process of consolidating their positions on the newly captured LTTE’s first line of defence at the Northern theatre of operations, say the defence sources.

According to the sources, troops of 53 division are now linking up the captured terror bunkers in the Kilaly area, South of A-9 road while the 55 division soldiers are engaged in clearing operations in the Muhamalai forward area, North of the A-9.

Army shifted its mode of operations from active defence to all out offence in the Northern theatre on Saturday (Nov 15) by running at the LTTE’s forward defence lines (FDL) in Muhamalai and Kilaly . Heavy clashes prevailed in the areas for 5 consecutive days , as the terrorists made a desperate attempt to halt the army advance.

55 division scored the initial success achieving the full domination of the LTTE defence line at Muhamalai on Tuesday (Nov 18). Meanwhile, 53 division soldiers were able to capture a large part of the LTTE bunkers in the Kilaly area by Wednesday evening (Nov 19).

Intercepted radio transmission reports revealed heavy toll of deaths and casualties to the terrorists during these clashes. Also, Army confirmed destruction of 4 improvised mortar guns of the terrorists known as “Pasilan” and “Baba” mortars. Terrorist leaders, Theepan, Muhundan and Jerry were heard making unsuccessful calls for their forward elements to hold their positions. However, Theepan and Jerry themselves were known to have fled the area as soon as their forward elements abandoned the first line. According to the latest information , Theepan have returned to the theater and threatening LTTE cadres in the front not to withdraw any further.

Army maintained active defence in the area during last few years thwarting all LTTE attempts at Jaffna peninsula. The distance between Army FDL and the LTTE’s was just 500m before the operations commenced. Now, troops have covered this stretch and heading further Southwards.


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