Arson Attack on London Kingsbury Buddhist Temple

[ad#200×200]A suspected gang of LTTE supporters has attacked and set fire to the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre (SSIBC) popularly known as “Kingsbury Buddhist Temple”, Kingsbury, London in the early hours of Saturday 3rd January 2009. The arson attack caused damages to the main shrine chambers of the temple, which is one of the most respected Sri Lankan Buddhist places of worship in the UK.

All the resident monks were inside at the time flames broke out and emergency services including fire fighters and Police were called to the Temple premises around 3.10am, but no one was injured. The suspected attack by unidentified persons caused damage only to the building.

The suspicion has fallen on LTTE terrorist supporters in London. This is the sixth time SSIBC has come under attack, and on numerous occasions, suspects have stolen the Sri Lankan flag which is always proudly displayed on the post in front of the temple, along with the Buddhist and British flags.

A previous attack caused severe damages to the building, glass windows and the vehicles parked outside. That particular assault in September 2008 came as retaliation against a visit to the temple by the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was on transit in London, on his way to address the UN General Assembly and special summit of Commonwealth leaders in New York.

Meanwhile, the Sri Lanka High Commissioner in London, Justice Nihal Jayasinghe has rigorously condemned the Saturday morning attack on the SSIBC. At the same time, he praised the Temple for its valuable services provided to various communities in the UK despite their different ethnicities. High Commissioner also called this continuous vandalism, a denial of pluralism. He further expressed his displeasure on previous lacklustre investigations carried out by the authorities and their inability to take any action in bringing the culprits to justice.

There have been many attacks on the temple and London community leaders, local politicians, multi-faith religious leaders, organisations and other related bodies are aware of the situation and are providing their fullest support.

A devotee said that “the community is devastated by this incident on a peaceful religious place and enough is enough, this is the sixth time, at least this time we expect firm action from the authorities”. Another member of the Sri Lankan community said that the “liberation campaign victories achieved by brave Sri Lankan soldiers, especially the fall of Kilinochchi has made many LTTE sympathisers angry and this is how they retaliate”.

Despite the attack on the temple, Chief Incumbent of the Temple, Venerable Galayaye Piyadassi Nayaka Thero (MBE), Chief Sanga Nayaka of Great Britain said that the previously planned “Ranaviru Commemoration Bodhi Puja” celebrations for liberating the North and East of Sri Lanka and prayers for peace in Sri Lanka in the New Year 2009 will go ahead as planned on the same day (3rd January 2009) at 6.30pm.

Kingsbury temple also had a special religious programme on the New Year’s Day for the same cause. It also had its annual Inter Faith religious programme recently with the participation of representatives of all the major faiths in Brent and Harrow Boroughs in London. Representatives from Baha’i, Brahma Kumari, Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and many other Interfaith organisations participated in that programme. Scotland Yard Police immediately came to the Temple and took finger prints and available video footage of the incident and however Metropolitan Police investigations are still underway.

By: Janaka Alahapperuma- London
source:Ministry of Defence

2 thoughts on “Arson Attack on London Kingsbury Buddhist Temple

  1. Only cowards could do this.
    I wonder if the police would just sit by twidling their thumbs if the Westminster abbey were to be vandalised. they would not be so smug.
    They have lot invested in the Tamils there.
    They are shit scared of what would happen to their Precious London if the miscreants are apprehended.
    Maybe we should send some of our boys from the C.I.D. to show them how to conduct a real investigation.
    This we could do at “no-charge”.
    It is hard to believe that they are stupid after they caught those responsible for the London bombing.
    the Same of Norway the vandalism took place right under their noses.
    & all they have is their Dicks in their hands.
    One cannot expect proper justice from those who harbour Terrorist.

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