Defence officials from 7 nations visit Wanni

[ad#200×200]Obtain battle-ground view of operations, relief measures and abuse of aid by certain aid agencies

Defence Advisors/Attaches representing seven nations were offered a battle-field view of the ongoing military operations against the LTTE, described by the Fedaral Bureau of Investigations, USA as the “most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world”.

Defence Attaches representing the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Maldives visited Security Forces Headquarters in the Wanni, Army 57 Division and 59 Division to obseve the on-the-ground military operations in the island.

During the visit, the visiting Defence Attaches met IDPs and surrendered LTTE cadres and observed welfare measures put in place by the government. Also, the visitors were able to obtain first-hand information on how certain aid organizations and NGO’s had misused vital humanitarian aid sent from foreign countries before the areas were liberated.

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