An EELAM exhibition at British parliament TNA participated

Five British parliamentary members have participated to a pongutamil festival held at Richardson Even ground at Rohamton of London on12th July. Following MPs had participated even when LTTE was banned and supporting to LTTE is a punishable in British.

1.Virendra Sharma (Labour MP),
2.Ed Davy (Liberal Democrat MP),
3.Andrew Pelling (Conservative MP)
4.Siobhan McDonnagh (Labour MP)
5.Dawn Butler (Labour MP)

Mean time a tiger friendly Photo exhibition named “Ceylon Tamils, Repression of 60 years” started at common hall of British parliament organized by all party parliamentary group for Tamils. Hall was reserved by Wirendra Sharma. Exhibition was declared open by the MP John Rion. Deputy parliamentary secretary Wornen Coocker also participated this occasion.

Sri Lankan TNA MPs Padmini Sidambaranadan, S.Gajendran and S. Jayananda Moorthi were also participated.

Officers of Sri Lankan High commissioner Office in London replied that they were not aware of ponguthamil when questioned by Sri Lankans in London. They agreed to lodge a complaint against the photo exhibition.


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