Entire Jaffna Peninsula liberated

[ad#200×200] Troops of the 55 Division under the command of Brigadier Prasanna Silva reached the edge of the Jaffna peninsula by yesterday (14 Jan) noon to reach Chundikulam area in the Mullaitivu district completely taking the Jaffna peninsula under Security Forces control.

The 55 Division has advanced 40 Km from the Nagar Kovil defence line in the Eastern edge of the Jaffna peninsula capturing five Sea Tiger bases in Mamunai, Thalai Adi, Vathurayan, Vettilaikerni and Chundikulam.

According to military sources troops of the 55 Division have recovered more than 400 Anti Personnel Mines yesterday alone as they are marching through mine fields.

LTTE has left behind more than hundred Boats, Tractors & Lorries which used extensively utilized their clandestine operations including the smuggle of arms and ammunitions, transport of Sea Tigers and various other terrorists operations.

Meanwhile, A total of 655 civilians, the largest number of civilians reached Security Forces controlled areas within a single day, arrived in the general areas of Kevil and Murusamudai from midnight on Tuesday. “Many of these civilians walked into Security Forces controlled areas after escaping from the LTTEs grip whilst a group of 47 people reaching Murusamudai area in a boat from the lagoon in the East of Elephant Pass”, Brigadier Nanayakkara said.

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