Felicitation for two Royal Commanders

Royal College Colombo will felicitate two of its distinguished sons today 19th Commander of the Sri Lanka Army Lt. Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya and 16th Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy Vice Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, two finest products of Royal College, who passed out from the college in 1977 and 1973 respectively will be felicitated by the Royal community.

The two commanders are to be received by the cadet band and escorted in procession up to the Royal College War Memorial.

The commanders will offer floral tributes at the war memorial in remembrance of the fallen Royalists, who laid down their lives in the battle to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.

From there onwards the Royal College students will accompany the Commanders until they are received by the 42nd Colombo Royal Scout Troop which will perform the grand yell in honour of the Commanders.

The Main Ceremony will start with a Ceremonial guard of honour by the Royal College Cadet contingent comprising Army and Air Force Cadets.

After the guard of honour the proceedings will shift to the Navarangahala where the felicitation ceremony will take place with students, teachers, old boys including the Royal College batch mates of the two Commanders, parents, well-wishers and the Royalists in active service of the Sri Lanka Army, Navy, Air Force and Police in attendance.

source: Dailynews

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