Final phase to capture the One Four Base is underway

Operations are underway for the capture of the entire One Four base complex, a stronghold of the LTTE terrorists.

The war heroes have succeeded in overrunning the Forward Defence Line of this camp.

Military Spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said the troops advancing from the Welioya Forward Defence Line attacked five positions of the strong LTTE One Four base. There is a large number of casualties among the LTTE cadres. Intercepted terrorist radio messages revealed that 17 LTTE cadres were killed and 35 were injured. 30 MPMC automatic weapons and a T56 firearm and other equipment were recovered. The troops have found a body of a female LTTE terrorist while they had observed a number of bodies scattered in the area.

The complex is located in the Mullaitivu forest. Soldiers of the 59th Brigade unleashed attacks for the capture of the complex. Accordingly, they were able to shatter the strong bunkers put up by the LTTE. The Military Spokesman opined that this is an old camp where the LTTE hierarchy took refuge during a certain period. The complex would be important for future operations as the LTTE unleashed attacks on the Welioya Forward Defence Line from this complex. They planned attacks on the adjoining villages from this base. The troops are conducting further operations for the capture the entire location.

The soldiers in the Wanni battle front said the tiger terrorists are retreating as they are not in a position to face the attacks of the armed forces.
sources: ITN News

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