First human development report on Sri Lanka launched

Colombo, 04th December 1998 –The first Sri Lankan Human Development Report was launched recently which was prepared by an independent team of scholars for the United Nations Development Programme[ UNDP]. The team includes six member national team, an international consultant from UNICEF, India and a special consultative committee headed by former UNDP Resident Representative, Arve Ofstad.

The report is an analysis of human development in terms of achievement, poverty levels and gender empowerment, categorized by regional, district and provincial dimension, Mr.Harsha Aturupane of the Department of Economics University of Colombo said. He was addressing the launching ceremony.

Dr. Aturupane noted that this UNDP report records a very high development ratio in Sri Lanka when compared to other South East Asian countries in the year 1960.

Peter Witham, UNDP Resident Representative said that there is a special chapter in the report which concentrates on the secessionist conflict in the North Eastern province and it’s effect on the social- economic performance in the area.
Outlining the main aim of the report, Mr. Witham noted that it basically depicts the current social and economic situation prevailing in the country as well as to stimulate strategies for development activities which will boost the country’s socio-economic areas based on the identified strengths and weaknesses of Sri Lanka.

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