General (Retired) Sarath Fonseka has been taken into custody by the Military Police, says Media Centre for National Security (MCNS) Director General Lakshman Hulugalle.

Mr. Hulugalle said that General Fonseka was arrested for discussing with certain sections of the Opposition, conspiring to topple the government and also for creating divisions within the Sri Lanka Army while he was its Commander and also when he was the Chief of Defence Staff.

The retired General is to face a Court Marshal where evidence against him will be produced, Mr. Hulugalle told the media.

Earlier in the evening, the BBC carried the following report:

Sri Lanka’s former military commander says that he is prepared to give evidence in an international court on war crime charges against Sri Lanka. General Sarath Fonseka speaking to journalists in Colomboon Monday said, “I am not going to save anyone who has committed war crimes”.

International human rights organisations as well as the US State Department have alleged that the Sri Lankan government committed war crimes during the final phase of the war against Tamil Tigers.

Several human rights organisations have called to try the Sri Lankan state in international courts on alleged abuses against civilians and surrendees.

During the presidential election where Gen. Fonseka challenged President Mahinda Rajapaksa, both claimed credit for defeating the LTTE.

“I am definitely going to reveal what I know, what I was told and what I heard. Anyone who has committed war crimes should definitely be brought into courts,” Gen. Fonseka said.

“Those who reveal the truth are not traitors,” he added. (Ada Derana)

Meanwhile the memory chips of the cameras of the Daily Mirror photographer and an AFP journalist covering the arrest of the General were confiscated by the military who had surrounded the General`s office.


  1. the question was sarath fonseka arrested of no -one know the reason let know the world what kind of
    law of sri lanka . the man who to gather discuss and rights of following order of president of sri lanka .
    case was filed to general to put on him darkroom for coming parliment election .
    the answer Mr.president rajapakse wont to rule forever .sample same to bandaranaike family
    this is a true . where is the sri lanka democratic for the country this is way to treat one of the army general
    people now there situation there in unconsicious when they get smart . In that time what going to happen
    they could’t dream it thank for aurthorized dailynews agent
    If those real srilankan must issue the this matter . beautiful loving country don’t destroy it we are poor
    I am your loving brother sri lankan JAYAWEWA JAYAWEWA JAYAWEWA JAYAWEWA and I say budu SARANAI

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