Foot Spray to Sri Lankan soldiers airlifted- thanks to an Estonian generosity

[ad#200×200]Sri Lanka Ambassador in Sweden Ranjit Jayasuriya arranged to airlift through the Sri Lanka Consul General’s office in Frankfurt, a large consignment of Foot spray urgently needed for soldiers fighting battles against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a terrorists outfit to liberate the Tamils held forcibly by them.Dr Kaido Kotkas
The large consignment of Foot spray to Sri Lankan soldiers was donated by the generous minded peace loving Dr Kaido Kotkas of Estonia.

An SOS was sent around recently for the Foot Spray to prevent fungal and bacterial foot infections to Sri Lankan soldiers in Vanni and the product was expected to contain a potent anti-fungal/anti-bacterial compound: the main ingredient being one per cent (1%) Triclosan.

When Swedish Ambassador was on the lookout for the Foot Spray and funds from the Sri Lankan diaspora in Sweden, Dr.Nazeem Seyed Mohamed, a Sri Lankan Professor at one of Sweden’s oldest Uppsala University, introduced Dr Kaido Kotkas of Estonia.

Dr. Nazeem introduced Dr Kaido Kotkas of Estonia as a friend of Sri Lanka.

On the urgent appeal made by Ranjit Jayasuriya Dr, Kaido Kotkas purchase Euro$ 3,000 worth of Foot Spray and arranged to deliver it at Frankfurt to be urgently airlifted to Colombo.

Consignment of Footspray airlifted to Colombo
It is learnt that already the Foot Spray consignment has been already airlifted from Frankfurt to Colombo.

source: Asian Tribune

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