Foreign media taken on a free ride by the LTTE

The LTTE has taken many journalists, especially foreign journalist for a ride. We expect foreign journalists to be aware of what happened to the lady who rode the tiger. The LTTE known also as the “Tamil Tigers” are now on the mat in many countries for numerous offences committed by their leadership. The offences range from extortion, forced child conscription as ‘child’ soldiers, to drug smuggling, human racketeering, weapons smuggling, illegal procurement of weapons including sophisticated weapons, credit card fraud, murder and financial fraud. According to experts, ‘Journalists’ have also been drawn into their fold for many reasons, one of which is to sell pro- LTTE propaganda. .

Today, the LTTE fighting with their backs to the wall and cornered in Sri Lanka to a tiny strip of land in the North East seem to be using more propaganda than fighting by using the foreign media to publish propaganda to discredit the country. LTTE inspired photographs have been shown on many foreign TV channels to discredit Sri Lanka. Unverified pictures have been produced to allege firing shells into areas including hospitals. A look at the pictures of buildings after artillery shelling will not stand the test to anyone acquainted with shelling. For instance will bottles be left standing on beds , and also unbroken bottles in shelves or alluminium/ wooden poles left undisturbed after firing shells ? We leave it to the readers to decide.

Curiously, the big signboard of the Norwegian Refugee Council in the Mullaitivu area , Sri Lanka is not at all affected by shell fire nor is the long asbestos roofing on the building . The voice of a Medical officer serving in a LTTE affected area is cited as proof. Can one expect the Medical officer living amongst the LTTE to state anything against the Tamil Tigers ? Journalists have seen for themselves the massive quantities of ammunition, artillery guns ranging from light to heavy, mortars of all calibers, small arms, etc .

Heavy earth moving equipment belonging to the NGO’s and INGO’s used by the Tamil Tiger terrorists have been captured by Troops. The heavy machinery has been used by the LTTE to build earth bunds over 15 feet high with deep canals as obstacles. It is not understood why no such international institutions have reported the loss of any equipment. Even UN organization officials have been known to have been used by the LTTE to transport weapons and explosives to be sued against Sri Lankan Troops.

The Tamil Tigers have not heeded to any undertaking given to UN representatives as Mr Olara Otunu regarding child conscription. Taped conversations have been played at public conferences with representatives of some countries giving instructions to the LTTE hierarchy on telephone. Foreign Scholars and academics have given evidence of the role played by some states to support LTTE terrorism. Small wonder that foreign media is used by the LTTE as propaganda to discredit Sri Lanka.

Courtesy : MCNS

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