INGO-LTTE unholy axis?

[ad#200×200] The response of several international Non Governmental Organizations (INGOs) to the request made by the government of Sri Lanka to cease all operations and remove all personnel from the LTTE controlled part of the Vanni has raised several questions. While some of the NGOs and INGOs followed suit after the decision made by the United Nations agencies to withdraw from Vanni, some INGOs, reportedly making very suspicious excuses regarding their resources.

These INGOs and NGOs say that the LTTE has ordered them to leave all their belongings when they depart from the area. In other words, the LTTE wants to use all the vehicles, transmission equipment and other properties of the INGOs for the battle against the advancing Sri Lankan forces.

This raises the 64 million dollar question whether there is a secret deal between these INGOs and the LTTE? There were many instances of INGO employees supplying various banned items to LTTE in the past. This has lead the Government to order all the INGOs to provide a list of vehicles and equipment in their officer in LTTE controlled areas to ensure that some items will not be handed over to the LTTE terrorists. Full Story >>

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