Jaffna fishing restrictions eased

Fishing restrictions that had been in force in the Jaffna lagoon were removed with immediate effect. Mr. Basil Rajapaksa, Senior Presidential Advisor told fishermen in Gurunagar, Jaffna yesterday (June 19) afternoon.

Accordingly all fishermen in the lagoon are able to make their movements into fishing through specified entry/exit martial ling points throughout the day.

Fishermen have also been allowed to use 15hp trawlers for fishing during day time before dusk falls.

Fisherman out in the sea could also be away for more than a day if they so desire after keeping their Entry/Exit point informed.

Mr. Rajapaksa who is now in Jaffna on a fact finding mission is to meet several senior Military Officers and civil administrators in Jaffna Town. Major General Mendaka Samarasinghe, Jaffna Security Forces Commander also was present during those meetings.

Courtesy: Army.lk

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