Lankan Army kills 57 LTTE rebels in fierce clashes

Sri Lankan troops on Sunday moved further into the last LTTE held territory of Pudhukudiyyiruppu in Wanni region in the embattled north and killed at least 57 Tamil Tigers in fierce clashes.
Infantrymen of 58 Division further advanced into Pudhukudiyyirippu inflicting heavy damages to the Tiger militants, military reports received from the battlefront said.

“As many as 57 LTTE rebels were killed in intense clashes between the forces and rebels on Friday and Saturday in Pudhukudiyyirippu and Chalai areas of Mullaitivu district,” Military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said.

In search operations conducted in the area following the confrontation, troops recovered a large cache of arms and ammunition from there.

“Troops of Task Force 5 (TF-5) engaged in search and clear operations in recently liberated areas have found more military items left behind by the rebels,” a military report received from the battlefront said.

LTTE rebels sustained damages in a confrontation with the troops of 53 Division in Pudhukudiyyrippu area yesterday, the army said, adding two T-56 weapons were found from the area.

Meanwhile, over 1,000 Tamil civilians fled from the war zone and reached the Government-controlled areas, the defence ministry said. (Full Article in Times of India).

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