LTTE lose Alampil as well

[ad#200×200]Troops engaged in the Wanni operation scored yet another victory with 59 Division troops capturing the strategically important Alampil area yesterday (04).

Alampil is located 10 kilometres south of Mullaitivu. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara stated that troops of the 59 Division reached Alampil, located north of the Nayaru Lagoon and were in the process of consolidating their positions in an area where LTTE had their major Sea Tiger base, used as an operational and logistical centre.

The 14 Vijayaba Infantry Regiment attached to the 591 Brigade had earlier advanced northwards of Kumalamunai cutting off the Mullaitivu-Alampil main road at a location a few kilometres north of Alampil before moving in their bid to capture the Alampil.

Hours after the fall of Alampil, one of the key stronghold of the LTTE in the Eastern coast, troops attached to Task Force II operating under the command of Brigadier Rohana Bandara, reached the key junction town of Puliyankulam.
Puliyankulam is located north of Omanthai and is currently a key location as food convoys to Wanni are proceeding through Puliyankulam, Oddusudan road.

According to Military officials this move will definitely enable the troops to use A-9 road as their supply route to the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu fronts with troops poised to taking the remaining areas from Puliyankulam to Mankulam. With the fall of Mankulam LTTE cadres operating in the south of Mankulam withdrew towards south of Oddusudan after shifting their entry; exit point to the south of Oddusudan.

Troops are now dominating the A-9 road from Mankulam to Kokavil after 57 Division and Task Force II troops took control of the A-9 road from north of Mankulam to Kokavil town.


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