LTTE propaganda stunt exposed

[ad#200×200]To smother its humiliating string of defeats at the hands of the Sri Lankan security forces LTTE propaganda clouts have taken to what they have known best over the years ‘manipulation and distortion’ of true ground situations, what is viewed as rough efforts to satisfy the war mongering diaspora communities world wide.

Tamilnet Exposed
Tamilnet LTTE propaganda stunt exposed

Following images were posted by a main LTTE propaganda web portal on 6th February, 2009, which according to our technical investigations reveal as pictures taken on October, 2008. According to our informed sources, the war mongering LTTE donors have denied raising further funds for the outfit, expressing dissatisfaction, with its efforts to stall the current military surge into the remaining LTTE hideouts. These images were posted in order to satisfy those funding the ‘LTTE perpetrated crimes against humanity’ the sources said. “This is how they (LTTE) generate money from the disapora who are hooraying on the suffering of their own brethren”, a defence observer asserted. As it is evident the LTTE spin doctors have taken these images well in advance and have also made a twist in the original time settings. According to the image properties available, the time settings were reset with a 12hour difference.

The outfit now in all dire straits is identified making flamboyant efforts to orchestrate a non-existent battle advantage the defence observer said adding that, it is left to the conscience of international media to reflect upon the true facts before extracting these baffled news reports. This is well evident especially with the international media, who have been continuously taken on a wild ride by the LTTE propaganda stooges, he further asserted. “Such reporting has been consistently skeptical of the existing ground situation while, also blowing the situation out of proportion, which are clearly examples of ‘toeing the LTTE’s view point”, the observer further viewed.

Tamilnet LTTE LTTE propaganda stunt exposed Exposed LTTE propaganda stunt exposed
Tamilnet LTTE propaganda stunt exposed
TamilNet LTTE Propaganda
Tamilnet LTTE propaganda stunt exposed

Ministry of Defence

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