LTTE stronghold Periyamadu village captured

Troops operating in the Vavuniya and Mannar fronts made a major breakthrough yesterday fully capturing the Periyamadu village and capturing another 2.5 square kilometres area. Troops of the 57 Division who entered Periyamadu village on Tuesday, fully consolidated their positions in seven square kilometres surrounding Periyamadu village by yesterday noon.

Periyamadu is a key location used by the LTTE to launch artillery attacks on the Mannar and Vavuniya fronts and the third important location that has fallen to Security Forces’ control in the Vavuniya front along with Madhu and Palampiddi.
On June 24, troops attached to the 57 Division captured the Periyamadu tank area, laying a strong foundation to secure the Periyamadu village.

According to military sources nearly 100 Tiger cadres operating in the village had vacated it after troops cut off all supply routes leading to the village.

“Troops consolidated their positions in Periyamadu village after securing all buildings within the village by yesterday,” Military Spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara added.

Meanwhile, troops operating on the Mannar front also captured two and half square kilometres between Chalmpan and Marattikannaddi on Andankulam to Vedithalthivu road.

“With the capture of this key location all supply routes from Mannar Northwards to the Pooneryn road has been totally cut off to the LTTE,” Brigadier Nanayakkara added.

“Twelve Tiger cadres were killed during the confrontation between 8 am to 3 pm yesterday to capture this terrain,” the Brigadier added.

Ranil Wijayapala

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