Moratuwa University in the fore in Google competition

24 student projects from Sri Lanka’s University of Moratuwa have been accepted for an open-source software development competition conducted by Google, a search engine giant.

The number of acceptance is the highest accepted for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) programme beating 10 projects from Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland and the University of Campinas Brazil, eight from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Moratuwa students also beat University of Toronto, University of Michigan in USA, Carleton University Canada, Budapest University of Technology Hungary and University of Warsaw Poland which had submitted less projects.

Out of the 24 chosen projects of Moratuwa students16 were from the computer science and engineering department while the other six projects were from the faculty of engineering and the faculty of information technology. Google pays 45000 US dollars for each completed project.

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