More refugees resettle in Mannar

The resettlement of over 2,120 people belonging to 551 families in their original homes will begin in the Musali DS division in Mannar today under the resettlement of IDPs Phase II in the Northern province.

According to Resettlement and Relief Services Minister Rishad Bathiudeen, these families from seven Grama Niladhari Divisions in the Musali DS division will be provided dry rations and kitchen utensils by the Government.

In addition, the Government has launched a series of programs to uplift their livelihood specially agriculture, fishing industry and self employment. “These families can resume their fishing and agricultural activities from today,” the Minister said.

The Government was able to begin the resettlement process early due to the Security Forces’ sacrifice

“We will reconstruct the Haththimurippu tank under which over 7,000 acres in the Musali DS division could be brought under the plough,” he said. “The Government has upgraded infrastructure facilities in the area. The road network in the DS division was rehabilitated and electricity supply was provided to the villages in which these families are resettled,” he said.

He said the resettlement process has been expedited by the Ministry under the Uthuru Wasanthaya program. “The area where these families are resettled has been cleared of mines,” he said. The Minister said all Government institutions such as Divisional Secretariats, Police Stations, Cooperatives and schools have been opened in the area.

The Minister added all displaced civilians in the welfare centres will be resettled in their original homes on the directive of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Senior Presidential Advisor and Parliamentarian Basil Rajapaksa after the mines clearance activities are completed.

The Government was able to begin the resettlement process early due to the enormous sacrifice made by the Security Forces. They dedicated their lives to free the entire country from terrorism, he said.

Courtesy: Dailynews

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