Mr Blake, Please do not give a life line to terrorists

Media reports have indicated that Mr Blake is attempting to free the LTTE leaders so that they can go abroad. This will create an extremely dangerous situation to Sri Lanka, its people and its leaders for the following reasons:

1. Recent demonstrations and support worldwide by one million bogus refugees indicated that they support LTTE. The support is understandable as it is the LTTE that facilitated their bogus refugee status. Many have already obtained permanent residency status through use of lies, deception and fraud.
2. LTTE leaders, including Prabakaran can organise over one million Tamils abroad, can kill our leaders, citizens and destabilize Sri Lanka.
3. It is Western countries that allowed bogus refugees in and then turned a blind eye to LTTE propaganda and fund raising. Western countries or for that matter some foreign counties cannot be trusted that they will not allow terrorists to have their base in those countries.
4. Even India could be destabilised by Prabakaran and set the whole Indian sub continent on fire, putting back the development of Asia for centuries. Is this the motivation of Mr Blake ? It cannot be for concern for humans, otherwise the coalition forces would not have killed over a million Iraqis and not to mention atom bomb victims.
5. Prabakaran and LTTE leaders should not be allowed to escape Sri Lankan and Indian justice after the large number of crimes committed by him and his group, given below.

I was horrified and shocked to see, the leaders in the terror war, attempting to give a life line to the terrorists. Sri Lanka should see the massive threat posed by Mr Blake and need to respond swiftly, in the appropriate manner. This is clearly a communication failure by Sri Lanka and our missions abroad or possibly people simply blocking communication.
It is time that a meeting be held with Mr Blake and USA leaders and the true situation be explained. It is time all Sri Lankans, including our peace loving Tamil Politicians tell the truth about insane Prabakaran and his blood thirsty group. I have on many occasions indicated the need to counter LTTE lies and propaganda.
It is now the time for our missions abroad and the FM to get on the bike and start communicating with the world, especially USA.

The following information, related to the death and destruction caused by Prabakaran and LTTE has to be communicated to the world, including Mr Blake and USA leaders, without further delay.
Unfortunately already 70000 persons have lost their lives due to terrorism and most of them Sinhalese. The Sri Lankans are fed up of the violence, fear terrorism has caused for the past 25 years. They wish to end terrorism and restore peace as soon as possible and to ensure that terrorism will not be back. When people leave for work, there are not sure if they can go home safely. This is the state of fear terrorism has generated for the past 25 years and people had enough of it.
Terrorism has caused a human rights crisis, that has affected all Sri Lankans:

1. Terrorism producing orphans, disabled persons, blind persons, and causing fear, mental illnesses and stress.
2. Ethnic cleansing, depriving livelihood and homes of innocent people
3. Loss of life of law enforcement officers and security forces
4. Loss of life, innocence and childhood of children due to child soldiering
5. Fund raising in the West that cause Terrorism and destruction in Sri Lanka .
6. Loss of Right to life of valuable Sinhala and Tamil National leaders.

List of atrocities of LTTE are given below – More in

• Killed the Indian PM
• Killed the Sri Lankan President
• Killed at least two Tamil Mayors
• Killed over 20 Tamil Politicians
• Killed Mr Loganathan, a Tamil official in the Government Peace secretariat
• Killed scores of innocent Tamil law abiding civilians by shooting them and hanging them on lamp posts
• Killed the Oxford educated Tamil Sri Lankan Foreign Minister
• Killed the Tamil Chief Whip of the Ruling Party
• Made several attempts to kill the Tamil Minister Douglas Devananda and other democratic Tamil Politicians
• Killed scores of high ranking Tamil, Government officials
• Killed Tamil Principal of Jaffna College
• Killed scores of Tamil, Muslim and Sinhala Law enforcement Officials
• Killed babies of Sinhala peasants by smashing heir heads
• Innocent peasant civilians hacked to death
• Carried out ethnic cleansing of Sinhalese and Muslims
• Produced orphans, blind persons, disabled persons as a result of terrorist bombing activity
• Killed Sinhala pregnant women by removing their guts
• Brain washed and trained orphans and disabled persons to become killers and suicide bombers
• Developed suicide bomb technology
• Developed and used suicide naval craft
• Engaged in deception, bribery, human trafficking
• Engaged in arms trafficking
• Engaged in passport and credit card fraud.
• Ruining of the economy of SrI Lanka
• Ruining of normal life for a generation of Sri Lankans. The most affected are the poorest of Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims
• Use civilians as a human shield
• LTTE leader is wanted by Interpol for murder, organised crime and terrorism.
• assassination of several political leaders.

real story behind tamil tigers

Ben Silva UK

One thought on “Mr Blake, Please do not give a life line to terrorists

  1. “4. Even India could be destabilised by Prabakaran and set the whole Indian sub continent on fire, putting back the development of Asia for centuries. Is this the motivation of Mr Blake ? It cannot be for concern for humans, otherwise the coalition forces would not have killed over a million Iraqis and not to mention atom bomb victims.
    5. Prabakaran and LTTE leaders should not be allowed to escape Sri Lankan and Indian justice after the large number of crimes committed by him and his group, given below.”

    The above article and in particular the above two points must be brought to the notice of the Russian and Chinese Governments to learn “the extent of threat the LTTE poses” for international peace and security and tha what is going on in Sri Lanka and as such “is not an internal affair” as claimed earlier.

    The article argues well the necessisty for the Security Council to interfere and take up the matter for URGENT discussion.

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