Navy thwarts LTTE Attempt to get away and destroys 04 LTTE Boats off Mullaithivu

[ad#200×200] Sri Lanka Navy thwarted an LTTE attempt to get away and destroyed four (04) LTTE boats during a fierce gun battle that erupted off the coast of Mullaithivu around 11.30 p.m. yesterday (19th January 2009).
The Navy’s Fast Attack Craft (FACs) intercepted a flotilla of LTTE Sea Tiger boats launched from Mullaithivu which were attempting to get away and engaged them destroying four (04) LTTE boats forcing the enemy to retreat and abandon the mission.
One SLN FAC sustained damages due to an explosion of an LTTE suicide boat close by.
Sri Lanka Navy maintains four (04) defence barriers off the coast of Mullaithivu consisting of more than twenty-five (25) Fast Attack Craft (FACs), Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs), Gun Boats, the Rapid Action Boat Squadron (RABS) and the Special Boat Squadron (SBS) to cut off the escape of LTTE cadres by sea and to prevent the unloading of warlike materials on the North-eastern coast.

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