New regulations for TV channels in Sri Lanka

[ad#200×200]New regulations have been introduced to the existing Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation Act through an Extraordinary Gazette notification requiring a new licence for the TV channels operating in the country.

These regulations are being cited as Private Broadcasting Station Regulation of 2007 and have been valid since October 10.
Applications could be sent for this purpose within 30 days from the implementation of these regulations.

Accordingly, a licence issued shall be valid for one year from the date of its issue and may thereafter be renewed for a further period of one year each, upon application for a renewal of the license being made by the licensee.

The licence may be cancelled on any one or more of the following grounds:

  • (a) Change in ownership of the Television Broadcasting Station in respect of which the license was issued and all other associated movable, immovable and intellectual assets, which includes a change in the shareholding if the licensee is a company, without prior approval of the Minister;
  • (b) Change in the name of the licensee without the prior approval of the Minister;
  • (c) Assigning all or part of the rights granted under the licence to another party without the prior approval of the Minister;
  • (d) Non payment of licence fee or any other fees required to be paid under these regulations; and
  • (e) Broadcasting programs which are –
    • 1.Detrimental to the interests of national security;
    • 2.Inciting a breakdown in public order;
    • 3.Inciting ethnic, religious or cultural hatred;
    • 4.In violation of any laws of the country;
    • 5.Morally offensive or indecent;
    • 6.Detrimental to the rights and privileges of children;
    • 7.In violation of the code of ethics, standards and practices of Television Broadcasting.

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