NGO nexus hatches conspiracy against military operations

[ad#200×200]Triggered by fear and anxiety at LTTE’s inevitable defeat at Mullaitivu, some top officials of a renowned NGO and a nexus of pro-LTTE groups have held clandestine discussions to sketch-out urgent and drastic methods to stall the Wanni military operations.

According to informed sources, the discussion has taken place in a star class hotel at Kollupitiya, Colombo recently, where suggestions considered were the raising of public agitation against the military surge in the North, character assassination campaigns against top military officers, and various other propaganda and agitation moves, informed sources reveal.

According to these sources, 18 prominent individuals of the Colombo elite, who are the main beneficiaries of the said NGO, have participated at the meeting, which was also attended by a well-known cinema actress. The NGO officials have threatened these individuals of severe sanctions such as the stopping of current funds, reconsidering proposals for future funding and other benefits in the event of the supporting nexus fails to halt the military advances, in the North, through widespread agitation, media manipulation and every other means.

“If in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu there is an LTTE debacle you people will soon have to find alternatives ways for a living,” the NGO officials had reportedly warned their Colombo nexus.

Meanwhile, further discussions were held to obtain details of whereabouts and sensitive information about government officials, anti-terrorist activists and media personnel, who are rigorously opposing and voicing opinions against the LTTE, as well and looking into promoting the ‘victim industry’, by giving publicity to so-called victims of the current military operations. The blue-prints are now being drawn up for the initial stage of this “anti-war” campaign, highlighting “victims” problems, varied out in tandem with mudslinging and character assassination campaign against key military personnel and critics of the LTTE.

Source: Ministry of Defence

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