Norochcholai power plant in Sri Lanka will generate the electricity by 2010

[ad#200×200]Sri Lankan government today said that they will commence generating electricity from the Norochcholai power plant in Kalpitiya peninsula off the Northwestern coast in the country by the year 2010.

Speaking at the parliament this evening Power and Energy Minister W.D.J. Senaviratne pointed out that 30% of the construction work in the project was almost finished.

According to the Minister Norochcholai power plant will cost approximately US $ 455 million. The funds are provided by the Exim Bank of China.

The construction work for the 300 MW coal fired thermal power plant with infrastructure for a 900 MW power plant had started in 2006 amid heavy resistance from the Catholic community of the area.

The successful completion of this project will enhance the capacity of the national grid of Sri Lanka with an expected output of 1658 Gwh of annual energy at distribution level for delivery to consumers.

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