Notorious Channel 4 tries another stunt

The Sri Lankan High Commission denied its army was involved in atrocities against the ethnic Tamil minority after notorious British television Channel 4 aired video Tuesday allegedly showing a soldier executing two men.

Channel 4 News showed disturbing footage of a man dressed in army uniform shooting a naked, bound and blindfolded man in the back of the head, while the bodies of several other men were seen nearby in a muddy field.

Another man was also shot in the same way towards the end of the video.

In its report, Channel 4 stressed it could not verify the authenticity of the video which it received from a group called Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka.

The group claims the video footage was taken in January by using a mobile phone.

Sri Lanka’s office in London said soldiers were only involved in fighting against Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) rebels.

“The High Commission of Sri Lanka categorically deny that the Sri Lankan armed forces engaged in atrocities against the Sri Lankan Tamil community,” it said in a statement to Channel 4 quoted by the AFP.

“They were only engaged in a military offensive against the LTTE.”

“The High Commission has noted that in many instances in the past, various media institutions used doctored videos, photographs and documents to defame the Sri Lankan government and armed forces,” it added.

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